Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Deja vu a la Morato

Handouts and copies of documents given out at Morato’s latest press conference, it lasted almost three hours and it was like deja vu; a replay of what has already been said. But I give credit to Manoling this time, he actually had the audacity to give some stupid but striking statements.
Here are some of them and my thoughts about it.
1. “Who would know that another Armida (Siguion Reyna) would surfaced in my life again who is more sadistic because Armida is bruha (on Margie Juico).
Calling Juico sadistic is really out of the picture, no basis and full of crap. And why does he have to bring Armida to the picture? Their issue was over a long time ago but he just can’t keep his mouth shut. Manoling wants to get noticed and he’s doing it the wrong way, calling people’s names is just so childish. Why don’t you act your age?
2. “Pare-pareho sakin ang tao. I don’t care if the president will come here, a driver or a poor person.”
You say that, we think otherwise. You think you could do anything with money; you bribe people, cases pending because you hold them at their throat. You steal from the poor and use it to buy paintings, buildings and resorts. How dare you say that you are equal to us! You’re not even close to being human with what you did. You are making this country sick.
3. “Buhay lahat ang tinulungan ko, sila all patay. Ano ang mahalaga Buhay o Patay?”
You kidding me? Buhay lahat? Don’t talk like you could cure all illness. First of all, it’s not your money; second, you would be taken out of position if you won’t help the needy and lastly, you are exaggerating your statements. Saying that all who asked for help died since Juico had the position? You are one sick bastard Manoling. Poor you.
4. “Silence only proves that she is guilty”
You should know better Manoling, less talk, less mistake. In your case, more talk, more cases filed against you. She was never silent about the issue; you just don’t want to accept her explanation about what happened. In fact, she doesn’t have to explain to you. You only hear what you want to hear that’s why you keep on asking the same set of questions over and over again. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results then I guess you are every sense of the word.
5. “Sue me!”
Sue you? No way! I’d rather shoot you dead at pointblank than let you get away again with what you’ve done. I know you are good in bribing people, there is no chance in hell that I’d let you stain our countries justice system again. You act like you’ve done nothing wrong, speak like you were always right, walk like you own the road but truth be told, you are as dirty as muck.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Poetry of Corruption

I can help you
If you help me
I can free you
If you pay me
I can waste you time
Because I have the power
You can pay me off
Or you can sit for hours
Because I have the power
It is not about right or wrong
They did it to me, I do it to you
It will be your turn, you won't wait long.
Because corruption breeds corruption
You learn from me and then do the same
So, I take my turn as long as I can
Until it is your turn to play the game

iPad for Kidneys!

The 17-year-old boy, known only by his last name, "Zheng", wanted to buy an iPad 2, but he didn't have the money for it so he surfed the internet and found and advertisement posted by an agent saying that they are willing to pay around $3395.06 for a kidney thus he traveled up north to the city of Chenzhou and after three days came back with an iPad2 and a laptop, what he always wanted. They say that it’s a common practice in china to trade organs online, it’s a booming business. Transplant tourists as they call those who go to china to buy fresh organs and bring it back to their country. They are willing to pay as much as $72,000 for it making the illegal trade a good source of money, driving an almost unstoppable black-market organ trade that enriches brokers, doctors and corrupt government officialsThe boy, who has suffered complications following the surgery, returned home but was unable to keep what he had done from his mother, he had a laptop and a new Apple handset. His mother eventually found out about what he did and reported what happened to the authority. They are currently on an investigation and on a hunt to catch those responsible for the surgery.
This month is Kidney Awareness Month and doctors continue to educate us to take care of it, not only this month but all of our lives. Our kidneys main function is to separate urea, mineral salts, toxins and other waste products from our blood. It also conserves water, salt and electrolytes. According to science, even one out of the two should be functioning well to help us live. We should be careful on what to eat because the organ is sensitive enough to trigger high blood and diabetes. Even pain relievers, antibiotics, diet pills and energy drinks could have an effect on our health.
I’m not against donating organs, I don’t even care giving out all of it since mine would be donated once I die, what I’m against at is when people makes money out of it. To sell a kidney in order to buy consumer goods disgusts me. I’d be happy to know that my organs would help save the lives of the needy but id never sell it for an iPad2 and a laptop that would be obsolete and outdated after a few years. Never! What vanity! Even if you say that latest Apple products like the iPhone and the iPad are in huge demand in China, and are seen as a badge of wealth and sophistication by young consumers, I’d still not sell it. Id rather be seen poor and working hard for what I want than to be famous for a short period of time. This is something we must all think about."

Whats the big deal? Kids dealing drugs!

PDEA is alarmed on increasing counts of minors being used by drug syndicates as couriers for their illegal drug trade. This is after they caught a 17 year old kid on a drug bust of Metro Manila Regional Office and PDEA on a suspected drug den at Makati city last June 7. They are using minors simply because they could be less suspicious. It is indeed effective since the count of minors being caught is increasing every year. Records from 2003 shows a total of 854 kids ages around 7 to 17 years old was caught working for drug dealers and this year alone, the count is at 85 and were still at the middle of the year so more would come. They are being used as pushers, workers on shabu laboratories and marijuana plantations.
I can’t help but feel pity for these children, I know for a fact that they were born out of love and their parents did not want this to happen to them but why get involved with drug dealing at such an early age? Is it because of poverty? Out of curiosity? Most of them are out of school youth, and they are being brought up knowing that drug dealing is a fast way to earn money. It is a gamble, for money and their freedom. Its either get caught or get rich but of course no one gets rich out of drug dealing especially if you’re a minor so the only option for them is to deal drugs and get caught eventually.
Under Section 6 of RA 9344 or known as the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006, states that minors 15 years old and below that may have any criminal case cannot be put to jail instead they will be under the custody of DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and Development) till they reach the age of 16.
Imagine 854 that could have been our counties next hope, those that could have made changes in our country are now suffering because of some people abusing our minors. If only we are not on a third world country, on a place where crime is rampant, out of school youth are not being attended at and education is not a priority of the government. What we need is hope. Were quickly running out of it thus we have to act now, and act fast.

Education down the drain

Problems at school now became even more of a problem. Huge numbers students within a class, insufficient books, no ventilation, and one teacher for every 80 students. That is how you describe education in the Philippines, and it gets even worse; imagine being inside that classroom, all the noise, chitchats, humid and crowded place, how could you concentrate? Would they even learn anything there? For most of those who are sitting in the front row, maybe there is a chance that they would clearly hear what the teacher is saying but the question is, would they have enough supply of books or materials to use? Should they also share books? or should they be provided by DEPED? I remember when I was still at school, my elementary years was spent all day at school. Starts at 7:30 am till lunch time, then 1:30 down to 4:30 in the after noon, most of our subject discussion would last to two hours, and we enjoyed it. As far as I remember, we were around 35 at most that time, at high school around 40 and at college most would be at 25. No excuse not to learn anything, you will be spoon-fed by teachers, professors, doctors, professional trainers and all who made teaching their lives. We were provided with everything that we need at school, all we have to do is listen, think and learn.
I don’t know what the government is up to, why won’t they support the education in our country? If children is our country’s hope and future, imagine what would happen the years from now?

Backfire at Manoling

All this time we’ve been hearing a lot from Manoling, there’s been a lot of questions thrown at and most should be answered. But look at what’s happening, the accusations of Morato backfired at him, now everybody is curious on what’s happening and what happened before. it started a commotion that lead to further investigation on what really went wrong. Now everybody’s eye is at Manoling. All of us wants to know the truth, on what has been kept from public knowledge.
Just today, an investigation is taking place about the joint agreement of the previous PCSO officials, about the 50 years TMA thermal paper deal worth almost P50 million. They say that there has been no proper bidding for the contract hence it should not have been signed by the board.The current board members and Juico agreed to conduct and investigation about the issue. They say that the contract should be void and null since it did not go through proper proceedings. It is possible to file a case against former PCSO general manager and board vice-chair Rosario Uriate, former board members Manuel Morato, Jose Taruc, Raymundo Roquero and Ma. Fatima Valdes for signing the resolution last Nov. 2009 for the joint venture with TMA.
Also, the current PCSO director Mabel Villarica-Mamba discovered17 boxes containing guarantee letters issued by PCSO for some said patients. It is said that its worth a staggering P300 million and was issued by the previous official of the agency but when checked, they found out that only 20% of the said guarantee letters contain a valid name, the rest were just made up identities. I know that there are ghost employees but a “ghost patient”? They would really do anything for money.They don’t know if those letters and checks were released but they are trying to verify the matter. Also they say that it is possible that a specific hospital is involved with what’s happening. Guarantee letters can only be cashed out by the hospital who performed the said operation, most probably they issue this guarantee letters only to be cashed out for themselves.
There are also instances that more than three guarantee letter has been issued to a specific person every month, three succeeding months with all major operations, heart, liver and so forth. All exceeded the limit of a million pesos. Mamba said it is more or less 3 million in total for all the said procedure. All funds used is from the PCSO.With all that’s been happening, all that has been said and brought up, would you still wonder why Manoling is acting this way? Why she wants Juico to step down her office? Why he does not approve of Margie’s decision to fix what should be inside the PCSO? Because everything started from him, he created the system the one that is corrupt, it’s his pride and glory and he won’t let someone doing anything with it. He doesn’t want his mess being cleaned by somebody else.
The previous PCSO left 4 Billion deficit with hospitals, this explains why sometimes some of them are rejecting guarantee letters because they know that the fund is not sufficient enough to cover for all operation that has to be done. Now that Juico is the one behind the table that’s why she is the one they are trying to pull down,
On what ever angle you might be looking at this situation right now, I’m not saying that you should believe me but, wont you doubt Manoling? Wouldn’t you be wondering why he’s doing this? He’s trying to point it out to someone else before somebody finds out. Well guess what Manoling, we know what you did, what you’re doing and what you’re up to. You dug up a very deep grave for yourself, one you can’t climb out at. I wish for the best for you Manoling, I hope to see you inside prison once they fix the “special treatment” for prisoners.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The dirty Manoling

Wanna know something about crazy Manoling? Ok here it goes, first off, do you know someone personally who won the lotto? Or maybe even a friend of a friend? Bet you can’t name one huh? I have a good source that told me about this nation wide scam when Manoling was still in position. He said that Morato engaged in illegal transactions and bribery to get what he wants, even more so, he used the PCSO fund to buy hotels, condominium units and paintings to name a few. Worst is, he is declaring winners for the lotto even if there is none. I’m not saying that he’s a thief but the money that he’s taking is from our people’s pockets. He’s not even Filipino for crying out loud!

There’s this one instance where in the winner of the said lotto draw went to him to claim the prize but Morato simply said that there is already a winner and that the ticket was fake, thermal papers worth P50 million for security purposes can be counterfeited? Then why does the lotto machine accepted and verified the ticket as the winning combination? that’s too impossible, imagine, after watching on TV what the winning combination is, within less than 24 hours, someone was able to forge an exact copy of the winning ticket with all the security features in it.

Another one would be the winners, or should I say, are there really winners? Think about it, could you beat the odds of getting the right 6 digit number combination 1 out of 8 million. What are we betting for? Yeah maybe luck is on our side, you know how hard it is to get a royal flush? You have 52 cards at random and the chance to get a royal flush combination is, let’s say… 3 to 4 times your whole game play life. Yeah it’s possible but imagine 1 out of 8 million! C’mon! How come there is always a winner? We’d never know if there is or they are just saying that for press release. So where does it go if no body wins? On suitcases, transferred to an account named after you know who…

There’s this one instance that they announced someone won the lotto but once the lotto machines at lotto betting stations were checked, it shows that no body has won yet. Again, they wont tell you who won, they say it’s for security purposes, I say it’s a cover up! Scammers! They’ll say that someone won to hype things up and to get more bets, so that we could be hopeful that we could win the pot money but all that were doing is fattening those pockets of Mr. Morato. It’s an illusion, and we can’t help but to play his game…

There are also instances where the jackpot prize of P14.7 million would deplete to P4.5 million. And instead of having one winner, they would declare three. So lets say one would win P30 million, there would be two more to split the prize with to let it go down to P10 million, say goodbye to your P20 mill dude! Ha ha ha! Scam, scam, scam, our money, them spending it. they say that there has been a glitch on the system, really? C’mon! There’s no way I’d play nor gamble if a glitch on the system is possible.

Manoling please stop acting clean, when you were seated a lot of complaint has been filed against you, a lot of cases in court, still pending though because you bribed everybody you can. Millions of pesos were spent for those bribes so that you could get away from those shitty things you did. You should be put to jail right now, you are sick! And there’s no cure for what you have, its becoming worse and worse. For your age, you shouldn’t be doing this, blaming others for what you did, you might have a heart attack one of this days if you’d continue. Please Manoling, ask for forgiveness, when you still can.