Wanna know something about crazy Manoling? Ok here it goes, first off, do you know someone personally who won the lotto? Or maybe even a friend of a friend? Bet you can’t name one huh? I have a good source that told me about this nation wide scam when Manoling was still in position. He said that Morato engaged in illegal transactions and bribery to get what he wants, even more so, he used the PCSO fund to buy hotels, condominium units and paintings to name a few. Worst is, he is declaring winners for the lotto even if there is none. I’m not saying that he’s a thief but the money that he’s taking is from our people’s pockets. He’s not even Filipino for crying out loud!
There’s this one instance where in the winner of the said lotto draw went to him to claim the prize but Morato simply said that there is already a winner and that the ticket was fake, thermal papers worth P50 million for security purposes can be counterfeited? Then why does the lotto machine accepted and verified the ticket as the winning combination? that’s too impossible, imagine, after watching on TV what the winning combination is, within less than 24 hours, someone was able to forge an exact copy of the winning ticket with all the security features in it.
Another one would be the winners, or should I say, are there really winners? Think about it, could you beat the odds of getting the right 6 digit number combination 1 out of 8 million. What are we betting for? Yeah maybe luck is on our side, you know how hard it is to get a royal flush? You have 52 cards at random and the chance to get a royal flush combination is, let’s say… 3 to 4 times your whole game play life. Yeah it’s possible but imagine 1 out of 8 million! C’mon! How come there is always a winner? We’d never know if there is or they are just saying that for press release. So where does it go if no body wins? On suitcases, transferred to an account named after you know who…
There’s this one instance that they announced someone won the lotto but once the lotto machines at lotto betting stations were checked, it shows that no body has won yet. Again, they wont tell you who won, they say it’s for security purposes, I say it’s a cover up! Scammers! They’ll say that someone won to hype things up and to get more bets, so that we could be hopeful that we could win the pot money but all that were doing is fattening those pockets of Mr. Morato. It’s an illusion, and we can’t help but to play his game…
There are also instances where the jackpot prize of P14.7 million would deplete to P4.5 million. And instead of having one winner, they would declare three. So lets say one would win P30 million, there would be two more to split the prize with to let it go down to P10 million, say goodbye to your P20 mill dude! Ha ha ha! Scam, scam, scam, our money, them spending it. they say that there has been a glitch on the system, really? C’mon! There’s no way I’d play nor gamble if a glitch on the system is possible.
Manoling please stop acting clean, when you were seated a lot of complaint has been filed against you, a lot of cases in court, still pending though because you bribed everybody you can. Millions of pesos were spent for those bribes so that you could get away from those shitty things you did. You should be put to jail right now, you are sick! And there’s no cure for what you have, its becoming worse and worse. For your age, you shouldn’t be doing this, blaming others for what you did, you might have a heart attack one of this days if you’d continue. Please Manoling, ask for forgiveness, when you still can.
There’s this one instance where in the winner of the said lotto draw went to him to claim the prize but Morato simply said that there is already a winner and that the ticket was fake, thermal papers worth P50 million for security purposes can be counterfeited? Then why does the lotto machine accepted and verified the ticket as the winning combination? that’s too impossible, imagine, after watching on TV what the winning combination is, within less than 24 hours, someone was able to forge an exact copy of the winning ticket with all the security features in it.
Another one would be the winners, or should I say, are there really winners? Think about it, could you beat the odds of getting the right 6 digit number combination 1 out of 8 million. What are we betting for? Yeah maybe luck is on our side, you know how hard it is to get a royal flush? You have 52 cards at random and the chance to get a royal flush combination is, let’s say… 3 to 4 times your whole game play life. Yeah it’s possible but imagine 1 out of 8 million! C’mon! How come there is always a winner? We’d never know if there is or they are just saying that for press release. So where does it go if no body wins? On suitcases, transferred to an account named after you know who…
There’s this one instance that they announced someone won the lotto but once the lotto machines at lotto betting stations were checked, it shows that no body has won yet. Again, they wont tell you who won, they say it’s for security purposes, I say it’s a cover up! Scammers! They’ll say that someone won to hype things up and to get more bets, so that we could be hopeful that we could win the pot money but all that were doing is fattening those pockets of Mr. Morato. It’s an illusion, and we can’t help but to play his game…
There are also instances where the jackpot prize of P14.7 million would deplete to P4.5 million. And instead of having one winner, they would declare three. So lets say one would win P30 million, there would be two more to split the prize with to let it go down to P10 million, say goodbye to your P20 mill dude! Ha ha ha! Scam, scam, scam, our money, them spending it. they say that there has been a glitch on the system, really? C’mon! There’s no way I’d play nor gamble if a glitch on the system is possible.
Manoling please stop acting clean, when you were seated a lot of complaint has been filed against you, a lot of cases in court, still pending though because you bribed everybody you can. Millions of pesos were spent for those bribes so that you could get away from those shitty things you did. You should be put to jail right now, you are sick! And there’s no cure for what you have, its becoming worse and worse. For your age, you shouldn’t be doing this, blaming others for what you did, you might have a heart attack one of this days if you’d continue. Please Manoling, ask for forgiveness, when you still can.
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